プログレスバー Vue コンポーネント

    Progressbar Vueコンポーネントは、Progressbar要素を表します。

    プログレスバー コンポーネント


    • f7-progressbar


    <f7-progressbar> properties


    <f7-progressbar> methods
    .set(progress, duration)Set progressbar progress


      <f7-navbar title="Progress Bar"></f7-navbar>
      <f7-block-title>Determinate Progress Bar</f7-block-title>
      <f7-block strong>
        <p>When progress bar is determinate it indicates how long an operation will take when the percentage complete is detectable.</p>
        <p>Inline determinate progress bar:</p>
          <p><f7-progressbar :progress="10" id="demo-inline-progressbar"></f7-progressbar></p>
          <f7-segmented raised>
            <f7-button @click="setInlineProgress(10)">10%</f7-button>
            <f7-button @click="setInlineProgress(30)">30%</f7-button>
            <f7-button @click="setInlineProgress(50)">50%</f7-button>
            <f7-button @click="setInlineProgress(100)">100%</f7-button>
          <p>Inline determinate load & hide:</p>
          <p id="demo-determinate-container"></p>
            <f7-button raised @click="showDeterminate(true)">Start Loading</f7-button>
          <p>Overlay with determinate progress bar on top of the app:</p>
            <f7-button raised @click="showDeterminate(false)">Start Loading</f7-button>
      <f7-block-title>Infinite Progress Bar</f7-block-title>
      <f7-block strong>
        <p>When progress bar is infinite/indeterminate it requests that the user wait while something finishes when it’s not necessary to indicate how long it will take.</p>
        <p>Inline infinite progress bar</p>
          <f7-progressbar infinite></f7-progressbar>
        <p>Multi-color infinite progress bar</p>
          <f7-progressbar infinite color="multi"></f7-progressbar>
          <p>Overlay with infinite progress bar on top of the app</p>
          <p id="demo-infinite-container"></p>
            <f7-button raised @click="showInfinite(false)">Start Loading</f7-button>
          <p>Overlay with infinite multi-color progress bar on top of the app</p>
            <f7-button raised @click="showInfinite(true)">Start Loading</f7-button>
      <div class="list simple-list">
            <f7-progressbar color="blue" :progress="10"></f7-progressbar>
            <f7-progressbar color="red" :progress="20"></f7-progressbar>
            <f7-progressbar color="pink" :progress="30"></f7-progressbar>
            <f7-progressbar color="green" :progress="80"></f7-progressbar>
            <f7-progressbar color="yellow" :progress="90"></f7-progressbar>
            <f7-progressbar color="orange" :progress="100"></f7-progressbar>
      import { f7 } from 'framework7-vue';
      export default {
        methods: {
          setInlineProgress(value) {
            const self = this;
            f7.progressbar.set('#demo-inline-progressbar', value);
          showDeterminate(inline) {
            const self = this;
            if (self.determinateLoading) return;
            self.determinateLoading = true;
            let progressBarEl;
            if (inline) {
              progressBarEl = f7.progressbar.show('#demo-determinate-container', 0);
            } else {
              progressBarEl = f7.progressbar.show(0, f7.theme === 'md' ? 'yellow' : 'blue');
            let progress = 0;
            function simulateLoading() {
              setTimeout(() => {
                const progressBefore = progress;
                progress += Math.random() * 20;
                f7.progressbar.set(progressBarEl, progress);
                if (progressBefore < 100) {
                  simulateLoading(); // keep "loading"
                } else {
                  self.determinateLoading = false;
                  f7.progressbar.hide(progressBarEl); // hide
              }, Math.random() * 200 + 200);
          showInfinite(multiColor) {
            const self = this;
            if (self.infiniteLoading) return;
            self.infiniteLoading = true;
            if (multiColor) {
            } else {
              f7.progressbar.show(f7.theme === 'md' ? 'yellow' : 'blue');
            setTimeout(() => {
              self.infiniteLoading = false;
            }, 3000);