

    Card Svelteのコンポーネントは、Cardsコンポーネントを表しています。



    • Card (カード)
    • CardHeader (カードヘッダー)
    • CardContent (カードコンテンツ
    • カードフッター


    <Card> properties
    expandableAnimateWidthbooleanfalseカードのコンテンツの幅を有効にする アニメーションやレスポンシブ対応も可能だが、パフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性がある
    hideNavbarOnOpenboolean拡張可能なカードを開いたときにナビバーを隠すかどうかを指定します。デフォルトではapp card parameterを継承します。
    hideToolbarOnOpenboolean拡張可能なカードを開いたときに、ツールバーを非表示にします。デフォルトでは同じapp cardパラメータを継承しています。
    swipeToClosebooleanスワイプで拡張可能なカードを閉じることを許可します。デフォルトでは同じapp cardパラメータを継承しています。
    backdropboolean拡張可能なカードの背景レイヤーを有効にします。デフォルトでは同じapp cardパラメータを継承します。
    closeByBackdropClickbooleanこの機能を有効にすると、カードの背景をクリックすると、カードが閉じます。デフォルトでは、同じapp card parameterを継承します。
    <CardContent> properties


    <Card> events
    cardBeforeOpenエキスパンダブルカードのオープニングアニメーションが始まる直前にイベントが発生します。event.detail.prevent` には、呼び出されたときにカードが開かないようにする関数が含まれています。


    <Card> コンポーネントには、以下のスロットがあります。

      • default - カードのコンテンツ要素の子として要素が挿入されます。
      • content - default と同じです。
      • header - カードのヘッダー要素の子として挿入されます。
      • footer - カードのフッター要素の子として要素が挿入されます。
        <span slot="header">Header</span>
        <span slot="content">Content</span>
        <span slot="footer">Footer</span>


      <div class="card">
        <div class="card-header">
        <div class="card-content">
        <div class="card-footer">


        <Navbar title="Cards" />
        <BlockTitle>Simple Cards</BlockTitle>
          content="This is a simple card with plain text, but cards can also contain their own header, footer, list view, image, or any other element."
          title="Card header"
          content="Card with header and footer. Card headers are used to display card titles and footers for additional information or just for custom actions."
          footer="Card footer"
          content="Another card. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat sem est, non tincidunt ligula volutpat sit amet. Mauris aliquet magna justo. "
        <BlockTitle>Outline Cards</BlockTitle>
          content="This is a simple card with plain text, but cards can also contain their own header, footer, list view, image, or any other element."
          title="Card header"
          content="Card with header and footer. Card headers are used to display card titles and footers for additional information or just for custom actions."
          footer="Card footer"
          content="Another card. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat sem est, non tincidunt ligula volutpat sit amet. Mauris aliquet magna justo. "
        <BlockTitle>Styled Cards</BlockTitle>
        <Card class="demo-card-header-pic">
            style="background-image: url(https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/nature-1000x600-3.jpg)"
          >Journey To Mountains</CardHeader>
            <p class="date">Posted on January 21, 2015</p>
            <p>Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...</p>
            <Link>Read more</Link>
        <Card class="demo-card-header-pic">
            style="background-image: url(https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/people-1000x600-6.jpg)"
          >Journey To Mountains</CardHeader>
            <p class="date">Posted on January 21, 2015</p>
            <p>Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...</p>
            <Link>Read more</Link>
        <BlockTitle>Facebook Cards</BlockTitle>
        <Card class="demo-facebook-card">
          <CardHeader class="no-border">
            <div class="demo-facebook-avatar"><img src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/people-68x68-1.jpg" width="34" height="34"/></div>
            <div class="demo-facebook-name">John Doe</div>
            <div class="demo-facebook-date">Monday at 3:47 PM</div>
          <CardContent padding={false}>
            <img src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/nature-1000x700-8.jpg" width="100%"/>
          <CardFooter class="no-border">
        <Card class="demo-facebook-card">
          <CardHeader class="no-border">
            <div class="demo-facebook-avatar"><img src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/people-68x68-1.jpg" width="34" height="34"/></div>
            <div class="demo-facebook-name">John Doe</div>
            <div class="demo-facebook-date">Monday at 2:15 PM</div>
            <p>What a nice photo i took yesterday!</p><img src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/nature-1000x700-8.jpg" width="100%"/>
            <p class="likes">Likes: 112    Comments: 43</p>
          <CardFooter class="no-border">
        <BlockTitle>Cards With List View</BlockTitle>
          <CardContent padding={false}>
              <ListItem link="#">Link 1</ListItem>
              <ListItem link="#">Link 2</ListItem>
              <ListItem link="#">Link 3</ListItem>
              <ListItem link="#">Link 4</ListItem>
              <ListItem link="#">Link 5</ListItem>
        <Card title="New Releases:">
          <CardContent padding={false}>
            <List medial-list>
                title="Yellow Submarine"
                <img slot="media" src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-4.jpg" width="44"/>
                title="Don't Stop Me Now"
                <img slot="media" src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-5.jpg" width="44"/>
                title="Billie Jean"
                subtitle="Michael Jackson"
                <img slot="media" src="https://cdn.framework7.io/placeholder/fashion-88x88-6.jpg" width="44"/>
            <span>January 20, 2015</span>
            <span>5 comments</span>
        <BlockTitle>Expandable Cards</BlockTitle>
        <Card expandable>
          <CardContent padding={false}>
            <div class="bg-color-red" style="height: 300px">
              <CardHeader textColor="white" class="display-block">
                <br />
                <small style="opacity: 0.7">Build Mobile Apps</small>
              <Link cardClose color="white" class="card-opened-fade-in" style="position: absolute; right: 15px; top: 15px" iconF7="xmark_circle_fill" />
            <div class="card-content-padding">
              <p>Framework7 - is a free and open source HTML mobile framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS or Android (Material) native look and feel. It is also an indispensable prototyping apps tool to show working app prototype as soon as possible in case you need to. Framework7 is created by Vladimir Kharlampidi (iDangero.us).</p>
              <p>The main approach of the Framework7 is to give you an opportunity to create iOS and Android (Material) apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript easily and clear. Framework7 is full of freedom. It doesn't limit your imagination or offer ways of any solutions somehow. Framework7 gives you freedom!</p>
              <p>Framework7 is not compatible with all platforms. It is focused only on iOS and Android (Material) to bring the best experience and simplicity.</p>
              <p>Framework7 is definitely for you if you decide to build iOS and Android hybrid app (Cordova or PhoneGap) or web app that looks like and feels as great native iOS or Android (Material) apps.</p>
        <Card expandable>
          <CardContent padding={false}>
            <div class="bg-color-yellow" style="height: 300px">
              <CardHeader textColor="black" class="display-block">
                <small style="opacity: 0.7">Build Mobile Apps</small>
              <Link cardClose color="black" class="card-opened-fade-in" style="position: absolute; right: 15px; top: 15px" iconF7="xmark_circle_fill" />
            <div class="card-content-padding">
              <p>Framework7 - is a free and open source HTML mobile framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS or Android (Material) native look and feel. It is also an indispensable prototyping apps tool to show working app prototype as soon as possible in case you need to. Framework7 is created by Vladimir Kharlampidi (iDangero.us).</p>
              <p>The main approach of the Framework7 is to give you an opportunity to create iOS and Android (Material) apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript easily and clear. Framework7 is full of freedom. It doesn't limit your imagination or offer ways of any solutions somehow. Framework7 gives you freedom!</p>
              <p>Framework7 is not compatible with all platforms. It is focused only on iOS and Android (Material) to bring the best experience and simplicity.</p>
              <p>Framework7 is definitely for you if you decide to build iOS and Android hybrid app (Cordova or PhoneGap) or web app that looks like and feels as great native iOS or Android (Material) apps.</p>
        :global(.demo-card-header-pic .card-header) {
          height: 40vw;
          background-size: cover;
          background-position: center;
          color: #fff;
        :global(.demo-card-header-pic .card-content-padding .date){
          color: #8e8e93;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-header) {
          display: block;
          padding: 10px;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .demo-facebook-avatar) {
          float: left;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .demo-facebook-name) {
          margin-left: 44px;
          font-size: 14px;
          font-weight: 500;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .demo-facebook-date) {
          margin-left: 44px;
          font-size: 13px;
          color: #8e8e93;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-footer) {
          background: #fafafa;
        :global(.theme-dark .demo-facebook-card .card-footer) {
          background-color: transparent;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-footer a) {
          color: #81848b;
          font-weight: 500;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-content img) {
          display: block;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-content-padding) {
          padding: 15px 10px;
        :global(.demo-facebook-card .card-content-padding .likes) {
          color: #8e8e93;
        import { Page, Navbar, BlockTitle, Card, CardHeader, CardContent, CardFooter, Link, List, ListItem } from 'framework7-svelte';